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import & export customs

Bruneian Customs Contact Information

Telephone: 2382333 Website: Not working


Free import • 200 Cigarettes or • 225g tobacco products Non-Muslim passengers over 17 years of age can import the following * • 2 bottles of liquor (approximately 2 litres) • 330ml of beer approx 12 Cans • 60 mill Perfume • 250 grams Scented Water *Alcohol should be for importer's personal use and not sold in any way. Alcohol should be stored and drank at the importers home. Liquor form can be obtained from any Customs Control Posts or Customs Branches of Passenger Ships. Prohibited • Guns, explosives and ammunition • Knives and deadly weapons • Fire crackers • Cigarettes without health warnings written on the packages • Domestic pigs exported from Thailand • Plant and plant products – unless authorised • Meat and meat products –unless authorised • Pets and other animals – unless authorised • Radioactive and hazardous materials • Pin schedule, fruit machines, slot machines and any other schedule or machines of a like nature whether involving an element of change or not • Counterfeit money and coins • Pornographic material. Restricted • Firearms and explosives being imported into the country will need permission from the Royal Brunei Police force. • Plants, fruits and vegetables will require a special permit from the Agriculture Department before being granted entry into the country. • All cats, dogs and other animals being imported will need a special import licence from the Agriculture Department and a veterinarian health certificate clearing the creatures of any infectious diseases. An additional rabies inoculation certificate issued less than 60 days prior to arrival will also be required. • 180 days quarantine is applicable to all cats and dogs imported from countries other than Australia, Ireland (Rep. of), New Zealand, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and the United Kingdom. • All travellers over two years of age will be required to pay an additional 12BND Passenger Service Tax when leaving the country. Travellers returning to Indonesia, Malaysia or other Philippines East Asia countries will only need to pay a 5BND charge

• More here.


Free export • No information available Prohibited • Guns, explosives and ammunition • Knives and deadly weapons • Fire crackers • Cigarettes without health warnings written on the packages • Domestic pigs exported from Thailand • Plant and plant products – unless authorised • Meat and meat products –unless authorised • Pets and other animals – unless authorised • Radioactive and hazardous materials • Pin schedule, fruit machines, slot machines and any other schedule or machines of a like nature whether involving an element of change or not. • Counterfeit money and coins • Pornographic material Restricted • Antiques and other articles of historical relevance are restricted from being taken out of the country without permission.

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