(Updated: 9th October 2018)
If it weren't for shower thoughts, this website would be inexistent.
My name is Amal Safwanah and I am 22 years old. I've just returned from studying in the UK after getting a 2:1 in Criminology, and I am currently in the process of deciding what the next step of my life will be. My choices are either employment or Master's. In the meantime, I have drowned myself in films and books and good food that I cannot afford. In an attempt to appear as if I've got some parts of my life together, I will also be updating this website from time to time.
I like to think that this site caters to (but is not limited to) people my age who yearns independency. In other words, to people who think they don't need their moms to come with them to the dentist anymore.
There is almost always an air of confusion around how things should be carried out in this country. Maybe this site will help ease that confusion -- maybe not.
Nonetheless, you will find a lot of how-tos and directories scattered around here, among other really random things, so go crazy!
I appreciate constructive feedback so drop them here.
Otherwise, you can ask me how to do something and I'll try to figure it out for you.
Find us on Instagram under @conciergeofbrunei