making or renewing passports
To be edited.
The application form to make and renew your passport can be found here. They are handed to you in the immigration centre but you may choose to print and fill the form beforehand to cut down time spent in the immigration centre. This form is to be handed to the officer along with necessary documents listed in the image attached to this post as well as a fee of BND $XX in accordance with your citizenship.
Brunei Citizens are advised to renew their passports six (6) months before the expiry date.
The process is almost similar to the steps you take in making or renewing your IC which can be seen here.
Basically the gist is to come REAL early, take a number and start the waiting game. The number of people the officers attend to is limited per day. During holidays, waiting for a number itself may take up to 2 hours and there is no guarantee you'll attain one.
Also - I highly recommend bringing a book or headphones to keep yourself occupied.